Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Project a la Chuck Close Still Ongoing

I didn't know a thing about Chuck Close until recently when one of the artists at the studio came up with this project. He had a photograph enlarged, cut it into many square pieces and then drew a large grid onto a black board. Each piece is numbered to correspond with the space on the board. As we work on each piece to duplicate what we see, the pieces are then mounted in their correct spot on the board. It is very interesting to see how each individual artist sees color and texture and how they choose to render it in their artwork. Still, it is somehow coming together.
Although our attempt at this isn't nearly as dramatic as the work of Chuck Close, it has been fun. I suggest that you Google Chuck Close and check out the remarkable work that he does. Each of his enormous portraits are very sophisticated and his use of color is remarkable. Even more astounding is that he now does his work from a wheelchair!

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