Monday, June 7, 2010

Too Much Stuff

I have spent the last two weeks at my mother's house going through her stuff and trying to prepare the house for sale. There is just too much stuff to deal with; dishes, glassware, china, old linens, dirt and dust and papers,papers everywhere. Deciding where everything should go, what Mom would want, what is the "best thing" to do is exhausting. Someone has to do this, so sorting through clothing and medicine chests and linen chests and drawers is just overwhelming. I haven't been able to paint since this endeavor began, but now I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. At the end of the day, you can only keep but so much "stuff" and you have to let the rest go. I like George Carlin's idea that every person on this planet should only be allowed 20 things to call their "stuff". If you used up one of your 20 things, you could then replace it, but at no time could you acquire more than 20 at any given time. I think that my 20 things would include my clothing, a toothbrush and some paints and a canvas and a handful of brushes.

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