Sunday, August 22, 2010

Merton and Me Can't Get No Satisfaction

"Paradoxically, I have found peace because I have always been dissatisfied. My moments of depression and despair turn out to be renewals, new beginnings. If I were to settle down and be satisfied with the surface of life, with its divisions and its cliches, it would be time to call in the undertaker. This dissatisfaction which sometimes used to worry me has helped me to move freely and even gaily with the stream of life." (Thomas Merton)

I love this guy. I love the fact that he was such a bad boy and then found his way. His writing is clear and concise and he makes complicated stuff simple. I get exactly what he is talking about and what he means by dissatisfaction...especially when it comes to my art. I often feel like things could go faster, I could work smarter, better choices could be made. It's always something...but I wouldn't have it any other way. Complacency is death to an artist. Being dissatisfied is ok.

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