Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sonoma Sonata

Getting ready for Christmas, getting ready for 2 shows in January, getting ready for students...this time of year is all about waiting, thinking, and for me, still doing.
I am drawn to these open, sunny fields and I think that it is largely because I want to be sitting in the tall grass, soaking up the sun and feeling it beat upon my face. That's all. Nothing more.
A word about the paints I use because people are starting to ask. I use water mixable paints. Artisian by Windsor Newton, Lukas, and Max. I love the fact that the clean up is so easy with soap and water. I don't have to worry about turps and flammable rags and the odor. My brushes seem to last longer without all of the chemicals and when I paint outside, taking along a water bottle is all that is needed in terms of something to thin the paint a little. I use the specially made linseed oil and when the painting is dry, I use varnish that I apply VERY thinly over all the work. I have heard some artists say that these aren't quite the same as regular, traditional oils, but I don't find it to be the case. Plus, I am a slob in the studio and inevitably get paint on my clothing and I have had no problem getting the paint out. All of these paints are available at Jerrys, Cheap Joes, Dick Blick, etc.


Clyde said...

What a breath of fresh inspiration! I know where to come when I'm down and my mind is cluttered.

Julia Burgess said...

Can I sit in that feild with you? We could have a picnic. This one is breath-taking, Laura, really.

Tamara said...

I love the fields / hills of Sonoma (and other places) that look like this . . . rounded and soft an intriguing and also relaxing. You captured it all so beautifully! Love ya La!