Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Not quite the Ten Commandments...

I haven't posted in awhile. Unfortunately, after doing too much yardwork and throwing around bags of mulch, I did something to my back. So, I haven't been painting. I haven't been doing much of anything other than trying to get better. But, all that time to think and go over papers and to read has been nice.
I thought that I would share a list of things that I wrote some time ago. It's not quite the ten commandments, (there are only eight here) but for me, it does help to read this over and over again. I'd be curious to know what others think...

1. Honor your work. Not everyone can do what you do and although not everything you create is great, realize that what you do deserves respect.

2. Stay focused. There will always be things about that will distract and pull you away from your work. Give things their proper due, but then get back to work and keep your eye on the ball.

3. Trust yourself. You are the only one that knows in your heart what is right for you. Listen to others, but at the end of the day, make your decisions your own.

4. Work. Just because you love what you do and are having a wonderful time doing it, doesn’t mean that it’s not work. Do not let others convince otherwise. Work is something that you show up for, get smarter and better at and take seriously. Never accept 2nd best from yourself.

5. Be your own best critic. Set your standards high and do not allow yourself to let stuff slide, even though others will encourage you to do so. Recognize that as long as you are breathing and working, your stuff will get better. Honor the old stuff as what it was in time and place.

6. Stay in your lane. There are those that will want you to mentor them and those that feel threatened by you…both of these folks take energy away from you and can keep you from staying focused. Mind your own business and be helpful, but don’t give away the farm.

7. Fill yourself up. Study, read, watch, relax, and spend time with God so that your spirituality is nurtured in your process. Remember always and everywhere that your talents are God given and be always thankful.

8. Be yourself. Even though you are still evolving, remember yourself and don’t make excuses…not for your work, your time, your choice of friends, your money or anything else that you choose to explore, be, try or create.

No more to add just yet. Still in process….


BJ Risi said...

I love your 8 Commandments... you're always an inspiration to me.

BJ Risi said...

And to add... hope your back is much better. Maybe God wanted you to slow down (I know how hard that is for you!) and reflect and hear more from him during your convelescing.

Marsha said...

Your 8 commandments have given me a needed "push". Thank you, my friend.