Friday, February 14, 2014

An Artist's List

I don't know about you, but everyday I start out with a mental (and sometimes written) list of the things that I want to accomplish by the end of the day. I usually only get about half of these items done. The list is something like this:
1. Finish oil paintings for show in VA so that they have time to dry before shipping.
2. Call buyer and make arrangements to pick up painting so that I can varnish.
3. Order from Jerry's frame to fit small 6x8 oil and get more acrylic, oils, small disposable palette for French easel, linseed oil and small masonite boards.
4. Work on small pastels to fit all the frames and glass that you have.
5. Sort through all of the recent pictures you took last weekend.
6. Check out information on tax stuff and get taxes done!
7. Do my BLOG!!!
8. Get outside and get some sketching done-focus on figure drawing and quick gestures.
9. Go by studio and remember to bring home newest acrylic so that I can wire it.
and on it goes. But you see in there that I want to get to my blog and how far down the list it is...actually, I am shocked that it has been a month since my last entry!
This list happens almost everyday not to mention a gazillion other things to do just to live! I think that the biggest challenge is carefully watching how much time I spend on each task as I could literally "fall into" it and spend all day just on one item.
The pastel above is a companion to my last entry and is going to the Norfolk Academy show and will be shipping this coming week. When the work is small, I like to do pairs or three's...they hang so much better than just one lonely painting all by itself.
Happy Valentine's Day!

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